Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Marlene's Time to Blog

There we are on the front seat as we took a horse drawn carriage tour of Historic Charleston.
We just finished a few hours of cruising in North Carolina. It’s beautiful here! We saw the Outer Banks and homes built 3 and 4 stories high with the first level made for water to flow through in case of storm surges. We were on the “Cape Fear River” for awhile. Doesn’t that sound cool? Now we’re at Wrightsville Beach anchored out in a very calm area.

We just passed 7 weeks on the boat and I celebrated. I didn’t make the bed on day 50, but the next day I got myself back under control and made it again! Hard telling how I’ll celebrate in a few more weeks.

Also, I finally had my hair cut. We were in a very small town and I went into a little store where they were doing hair in the back of the store. It was the only place around. I asked for a “haircut and style”. When I came out Madison asked, “How much did you pay for that?” and I said, “$28.00”. It will grow back!

Last week my Dad, 89 years old, and living in Minnesota, fell and fractured 2 ribs. It was hard being so far away from him and things were “touch and go” for awhile, but I’m grateful to our kids for taking over and seeing that everything that needed to be done for him was done. They’re so good to him and that helped me so much. Now he’s back at Legacy Care and doing well again. Thank you to those who prayed for him!

If any of my friends read this, you need to find out how to log on to this site to leave comments. It’s free, but you do have to register. It will tell you how at the site. I hope I’m not talking to myself here. Bye!


jfillweber said...

Madison and Marlene,

I have just visited for the first time and it seems like you are having a wonderful trip! I really enjoyed reading about your recent adventures. Marlene, I echo your sentiments about bike riding, I don't do to good myself, and a haircut is always a gamble if you ask me.

We will continue to pray for your safety and that you would meet some great people for your book to!

Julie Fillweber

annelane said...


I consider myself to be a friend - so I wanted to respond to your request for your friends to comment. Roger and I check your blog on a regular basis and have enjoyed mentally traveling along with you on this adventure.

The Outer Banks of North Carolina are beautiful, aren't they. Kristie was music pastor at an Outer Banks Church (called The Ark) for a year after she graduated from NCU. We took the opportunity to visit her frequently and enjoyed the area.

We missed you at our monthly lunch a few weeks ago. In June we are switching back to breakfast at Jensen's Cafe. We'll be thinking about you.

Be safe and blessed.

Ann Lane

acarolyns said...

I love reading about your travels. Sounds so exciting visit those wonderful places we have heard about for so long. I love the pictures. Be safe and can't wait to hear more. Laura and Jon are in Mexico for a week so we are babysitting the three kiddos. All is well so far.
Love and prayers,

Team Hasselhoff said...

Mom, we are getting ready for church, and I was just catching up on your news with my coffee. Charleston is one of my favorite cities in the country, and I've only seen a fraction of it. I always take the boys to a children's museum there. It must be incredible to approach each city from the ocean... what a unique perspective.

We miss you! I'm glad you got a chance to celebrate 7weeks by not making the bed. If that marks a celebration, we are in perpetual party mode here! : )

Team Hasselhoff said...

...sorry for the Team Hasselhoff posting... that is our ID for our American Idol fantasy league!

Beth S. said...

I just got your blog address from Dave Coker, so have enjoyed catching up on your trip. Marlene, I'm taking my Dad over to see your Dad tomorrow, so will write again after the big reunion.
Beth Swanberg

Beth S. said...

The two Dads had a nice visit today, and my Dad had a big smile on his face all the way home. I promised another visit soon.