Monday, April 7, 2008

I Need a Geek! (Key West Journey)

I'm trying to send pictures to this blog but not successful so far. The new camera is taking some getting used to. But they will come, I promise!

Yesterday in Key West was spectacular! We began with Church at Glad Tidings Assembly of God, met the pastor, and was referred to a gentleman whom I interviewed for my research. It was one of those God things for sure. It was hard to keep my composure while interviewing him, knowing how this desparate man went from a drug infested life and then to prison about 7 years ago. Then, through the kind and persistent visits to him in prison, a guy at the church lead him to the Lord. His life was turned around like only God can do from people who are open. Currently he is in charge of hospitality for the church. If you want to know more about these interviews, I'm starting another blog devoted just to this research. So that way, what I have gleaned from my time will be saved on Google's harddrive and not mine. The new blog will be called First Generation.

The afternoon and evening in Key West was spent mostly on and around the famous Duval Street, a string of restaurants, stores, and museums that runs for about about a mile in Old Town Key West. Marlene got her fix of shopping, we ate great food, and I spent much of my time at the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum. Mel Fisher is the guy who headed the expedition that found about $350 million worth of gold and silver treasure in a ship that sunk in 1622 about 35 miles West of Key West.

So far the weather has been marginal for this area. Very warm and humid with a huge downpour last night. We're actually looking forward to getting further North.

Key Largo area next.....


Jamie Willow said...

I'd love to read your other blog too if you choose to share the address. wishing you guys the best!!!


acarolyns said...

Love your updates...So exciting about your interview...

Lost Conservative said...

I found you! What an awesome looking boat! Glad to hear you're off and running on your adventure. Drop me a note (loren at and I'll be happy to give you a hand with your picture posting. FYI, I've recent created a blog at Check it out when you get a chance!