Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ft Lauderdale to Stuart, Fl

We are getting the hang of Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) cruising. It is really like a big river that parallels the Atlantic Ocean, but a lot smoother. In fact, the North winds were so strong yesterday that waves in the Atlantic were topping 20 feet, much to high for this sailor. But even in the ICW, it was a windy/wavy and somewhat frantic journey as we came into Palm Harbor Marina in West Palm Beach. Even the docks were rockin. So what did we do? Took a cab to see the famous Worth Avenue shopping district in Palm Beach. (the equivalent of Rodeo Drive in California). Lots of money here. As in Ft. Lauderdale, if your yacht isn't at least 100 feet long, it's barely noticed.
That picture is Marlene and I at the Southernmost point of the US, in Key West. Our planned Northernmost point will be Mackinac Island, where we went on our honeymoon a few years back.


Jamie Willow said...

fun picture...I have a picture there too from two summers ago when I was there on a cruise :)


acarolyns said...

Great picture!!
Got our reservations tied down for
joining you in Baltimore.
Looking forward to a fun time..can't wait.