In April of 1862, over a two day period, there were about 23,000 casualties during the Civil War battle at Shiloh. We took a tour of the battlefield grounds here in western Tennessee. In this picture, taken on the battlefield grounds, Marlene is talking to one of the locals about his family, many of whom were buried in this Shiloh Methodist Church cemetery in the background.

Having gone through about 100 locks now, we are finally getting the hang of it. This is the first one on the Tenn-Tom Waterway. It is a really big one which "drops" us 85 feet to the next level.

End of the cruising day, arriving at Midway Marina, Fulton, Mississippi. Here the Admiral poses for me to take her picture with the placid waters and unique background of trees. We enjoyed a catfish dinner tonight with another couple we met (Pete and Linda from St Louis) who also cruised with us today from the Shiloh area to here.
WELCOME to the HILL COUNTRY of Mississippi and to ITAWAMBA COUNTY. As you head south, you'll pass into MONROE COUNTY which is the oldest of the organized counties in North Mississippi.
Have a special trip through our hills and know how welcome you are. Youall come back and see us soon.
Terry Thornton
Fulton, Mississippi
Enjoyed having your kids Rory and Becca, so much. I think they really enjoyed sunny California. We had a great time and now they are on their way back to MN by way of Lake Tahoe. Great to catch up on your blog. Beautiful scenery. Thanks for your prayers for Annie. She is doing fine now.
Love you,
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