Sunday, March 16, 2008

On track for cast off March 31, 2008

As predicted last year, we are back on track to begin our Great Loop journey March 31, 2008.

Because of the low water levels in Lake Ochechobee in Florida, we will not be able to cross the center of Florida as many have done in order to get to the East coast. Our boat needs at least 4.5 feet of draft. Some parts of the channel are less, so we will be going down to the tip of Florida, stopping over at Naples, Marco Island, Key West and Marathon. I've heard so many things about the beauty of this area, so the expanded journey is fine with us.

We are excited about doing this adventure for several reasons. But two are prominent.
  1. Till now we have spent very little time getting to know about the Eastern part of the US as well as the Great Lakes. There is so much history to learn and beautiful scenery to see.
  2. Both Marlene and I are beneficiaries of parents who raised us in Godly homes. But we realize that many people came to discover a relationship with Christ later in life, and without the benefit of Godly parents like we had. These people are my heros. Like my parents, they are taking a path that is or was very difficult, even though very rewarding. So along our water journey, we want to know more of the stories behind these first generation believers -- why they made that important and life changing decision and how they are doing in their faith. How we go about gathering these interviews will be posted later.

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